It's the New Normal

There was another school shooting today. It won't be long before "lockdown" is as common a phrase in our schools as "The dog ate my homework" and "Do you have a hall pass?".

90% of Americans (that's a true stat, I'm not making it up) want expanded background checks on firearms. I wonder what the tipping point will be that will make conservatives who aren't gun nuts demand reasonable regulations around the acquisition, ownership, possession, and usage of firearms? I mean, the tipping point obviously wasn't dozens of elementary school children being gunned down at Sandy Hook, though you would think that would have been sufficient. 

And where are the so called pro-life conservatives in this argument? Nothing kills the validity of their every-life-is-a-precious-gift-from-god argument than the utter public indifference expressed by the pro-lifers to the repeated senseless killing of innocent children by people with all-too-easy access to firearms. Seriously, what would Jesus do if he found out children were being murdered and that we could stop it with some common sense rules and regulations that have already proven effective in other first world countries? My bet is he wouldn't show up at Home Depot next Saturday carrying a long gun and wearing a "Don't Tread On Me" t-shirt. 

So moderate conservatives, it's on you. No more howling from progressives is going to get us meaningful gun reform. So what will it take for you to stop backing the NRA by proxy in exchange for the promise of a tax cut, the repeal of Obamacare, or a statue of Ayn Rand kissing Ronald Reagan? (No, I can't get the image out of my head now either)