Pot, Kettle, Benghazi

For four years conservatives -let’s just be honest, it’s only conservatives who are up in arms about Benghazi- have been howling about how Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration responded before, during, and after the Benghazi attacks. They claim, loudly and incessantly, that Clinton and Obama were inept, that they engaged in a politically inspired cover-up, and broke the law in the process. They have held nearly a dozen hearings, spent millions of tax payer dollars, and -despite a Republican controlled congress- have yet to find a single crime with which to charge any person, much less Hillary Clinton, in the Benghazi “scandal”. 

Yet every time I hear the word “Benghazi” I can't help but think of the picture to the right. Then I wonder if those same people who are so up-in-arms about Benghazi, calling Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama criminals and liars who deserve to be jailed, feel the same about George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Colin Powell. 

Because when I hear conservatives scream about ineptitude, I think about “Slam Dunk” intelligence, the still-yet-to-be-discovered weapons of mass destruction, how we would be "greeted as liberators”, Mission Accomplished, and the lack of any exit plan.  

When I hear cover up, I think of yellowcake, Scooter Libby, and Valerie Plame.   

When I hear about laws being broken, I think of how we invaded and occupied a sovereign nation under false premises, the Geneva Convention, waterboarding, and Guantanamo Bay.  

When I hear about how four people died in the Benghazi attacks, I think about the 3527 US soldiers killed in combat in Iraq, the 32,222 wounded, and the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians who lost their lives while we “liberated” them.

So conservatives, here’s the deal. You want to indict Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for Benghazi, go ahead. But any such indictment better damn well be accompanied by war crime charges for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Colin Powell. Because anything less is simply proof positive that Benghazi is nothing but a partisan witch hunt, the purpose of which is to litigate a path to the Presidency your party can't win at the voting booth. And if that’s the case, then go plop your ass back down on your sofa, turn on FOX News, and stew in your own home-brewed cocktail of anger, fear, and ignorance as the rest of us inaugurate Hillary Clinton as President of the United States.